Slots in Rasa Open Source 2.x


Note: This is material for Rasa 2.x. The syntax has updated slightly in Rasa 3.0 so we recommend new users to check the new course on Custom Actions found here.


In Rasa, slots are your long term memory in a conversation. If there's any information you'd like to store for later use, you'd typically want to store it in a slot. It's important to understand that a slot is not the same thing as an entity. You could store any information in a slot, even if no entity has been detected. That said, it is very common to fill a slot value with an entity value.

If you want to define a slot, you'll need to define it in your domain.yml file.

type: text
influence_conversation: false

You'll notice that in this configuration we've added a influence_conversation tag. The reason is that slots can influence a story. You might have something like this in your stories.yml file.

- story: booking a flight ticket
- intent: book_a_ticket
- slot_was_set:
- destination: Toronto

If your slots are configured to influence the flow of the conversation, you have to include them in your training stories.

Setting Slots

Typically, your slot values will be set by detected entities. In these situations your domain.yml file should also include entities.

- destination
type: text
influence_conversation: false

This way, when an entity is detected it can fill in the slot value. You can also set slot values with custom actions, but we'll discuss how to do that in a later video.

Auto Fill

By default, slots that have matching entity names will automatically be filled with the values of those entities. You can disable this behaviour by changing the configuration of the auto_fill parameter to false.

- destination
type: text
auto_fill: false


In Rasa, slots have types. This is useful, because certain types of information are better served as a number than a string of text.

Text Slots

Slot type text can be used to store any text information. It can influence the conversation based on whether or not the slot has been set.

type: text
influence_conversation: true

Boolean Slots

Slot type boolean can be used to store information that can get the values True or False.

type: boolean
influence_conversation: true

Categorical Slots

Slot type categorical can be used to store values that can get one of a predefined set of possible values.

type: categorical
- low
- medium
- high

Float Slots

Slot type float can be used to store numerical values.

type: float
min_value: 0
max_value: 100

List Slots

List slots can be used to store a list of values. When configured, only the presence of the slot can have influence on the flow of the conversation. The values themselves won't be taken into account.

type: list

'Any' Slots

The "any" slot type can be used to store any arbitrary values. Slots of this type don’t have any influence on the conversation flow which means that the value and the presence of the slot doesn’t have any influence on how the conversation goes.

type: any

Initial Values

Finally, it's good to know that you can also set a default value on a slot by configuring the initial_value parameter. The value will be assigned to the slot from the beginning of the conversation and can be reset later on by NLU or custom actions.

type: float
initial_value: 100



Try to answer the following questions to test your knowledge.

  • When does a slot influence a conversation? When does it not?
  • What's the difference between a slot and an entity?

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